Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Needs of a New Generation

During the 1990's, something extraordinary began to happen in the lives of men throughout the United States. From a humble beginning with just a handful of men, a national movement began to transform the lives of men. Through the faithfulness of a handful of visionary men, a ministry emerged that changed the way churches addressed the needs of men's lives.

One of the great lessons that we learned from that time is that God has an extraordinary plan for a man in every dimension of his life. We discovered the power of men in worship together. We explored issues close the hearts of men that we had not openly discussed before. We experienced the encouragement that comes from realizing that we are not alone in the. That was then.

What about today? What is the Holy Spirit doing now to impact the lives of men? What do you sense the Spirit is saying to men about the shape and future of ministry in this new millennium? What should we take from the past on our journey into the future? What might the new face of ministry to men look like in the days ahead? What does a visionary ministry to men look like as we look toward 2015?

Share your thoughts and dreams here about your desire to see a new season of effective ministry to men.


Anonymous said...

"What should we take from the past on our journey into the future? "


Don Williams said...

Music is an important part of our spiritual journey. How have these hymns shaped your faith as a man? How should we allow the music of a new generation to shape their faith as much as hymns may have shaped the faith of those who have gone before us?

rev scotty said...

We should hold and protect our hymns of old so as to pass them onto the generations to come. However, many young folk will not embrace such "old school" worship with open arms for they see not the purpose and relevence to their life and times. I have as hard a time embracing this young generation.

1 Chronicles 12:32 says, "men of Issachar understood the times and knew what Israel should do." These men had more wisdom and skill than the other peoples of Israel. They used their talents to step up and make a difference with David. We too need to embrace the times and use wisdom to reach these lost generations (who do not have a godly heritage). I am praying that God will make me part of the solution than keeping me part of the problem (not reaching out to this new and emerging hurting group).

May I suggest reading Gary Thomas'(?) book "Sacred Pathways?" Gary discusses the various types and styles of worship according to your bents and gives credence to all types of worshippers actively functioning in the church body.

We will need all the wisdom we can download from God in order to understand today's people and accept their ways of reaching him while not watering down the Gospel message and turning to strange doctrines.

Anonymous said...

Its been almost three years since the Lord gave me an understanding that the church needs to be ready to assimilate our returning Iraqi/Afghan veterans. While this won't mean men alone our combat troops are predominately men.

When they come home who will welcome them? Will the church have a plan to assimilate those many hundreds and thousands making battlefield decisions for Christ? Or will Spanish Peanuts and a cold draught at the American Legion be the best our returning warrior heroes can find?

I recently had the honor of talking to Dave Roever about this very issue. When I asked him if the church would be ready, he said : No, the church isn't going to do it [across the board], the job will fall on individuals. The explanation behind these comments came and he said that these brave men will need concentrated close interaction attention.

Whatever the future of men's ministry, the hundreds of thousands of veterans of this war and any other need to know they can find a home in the church. When I say a home, I don't mean an available pew but the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ with a plan to welcome them and comfort their unique pains, problems, and discipleship needs.

Somehow we have to get ready to put our hand to the work that military chaplains and the Holy Ghost has started in the hearts of thousands of men.

Anonymous said...

It is frustrating to see the movement that the Holy Spirit has had in men and yet see so many marriages struggling and/or falling apart. I see satan is trying more than ever to destroy the relationships that we have with our spouse. I want to see more of our men and women that have been married successfully for many years to minister and mentor the younger generation of marriages. Not that they have all the answers but as an encouragement a sounding board and a shoulder to lean on. The ministry of the 90's will only be as good in the future as the men that were a part of the 90's reach out to the men of the future. I believe the Spirit is telling the men of today to be bold with other men holding them to a higher standard of faith and commitment. Especially when it relates to thier marriages.

What Do You Think?

What Do You Think?

What is your greatest challenge in praying for your family?

Free Stuff

The Holy Spirit inspires men to do some amazingly creative things to help them walk free from the attitudes and behaviors that can snare our lives.

Take a moment to share one of the practical steps you have taken to steer clear of the stuff that has attempted to trip you up. Keep it practical. Keep it real.