Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Living as Free Men, Part 1

"You are free." How we see ourselves as men is critical to how we live. Throughout our lives, the words and declarations spoken over us by dads, coaches, bosses, spouses, and other significant people largely shape the lives we live.

The other day I noticed something in the creation story of Genesis 2 that I had not noticed before. The first statement God makes to Adam about who he was is a powerful phrase of identity and direction: "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden," (Genesis 2:16). From that moment on, Satan has set about to enslave and entrap men in thought processes, behavioral habits, and relational patterns that can destroy their lives.

The good news is that through the power of the Holy Spirit, men have the promise and power to walk free again. The apostle Paul reaffirms our identity as free men in Christ, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free," (Galatians 5:1).

What voices form your understanding of who you are? Do you allow the voice of your Heavenly Father to shape your self-perception and life? Or, do we allow the voice of others who tend to echo the desire of the evil one to shape us and enslave us?

What Do You Think?

What Do You Think?

What is your greatest challenge in praying for your family?

Free Stuff

The Holy Spirit inspires men to do some amazingly creative things to help them walk free from the attitudes and behaviors that can snare our lives.

Take a moment to share one of the practical steps you have taken to steer clear of the stuff that has attempted to trip you up. Keep it practical. Keep it real.